Eternal Retribution

Well, I’ve finally finished digitizing chapter 5, so as mentioned the other day, I’m back with an update.


Word Count: 16572

Pages: 46


I’ve also managed to get a good start with chapter 6, putting down 4 notebook pages yesterday.  It seems to be progressing much faster now that I’m in the swing of things. I hope to have this one knocked out by the weekend, and maybe even digitized also if things go well.  However, The Avengers comes out this weekend, and I hope to see that as well.


It seems the reading/writing sanction I placed on myself is off to a smooth and prosperous start.  When I finish up with chapter 6, next on my list to read is Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.  I’ve wanted to read that one for a while now.


I’ve recently become a member of the World Literary Café website (  They’ve got a nice array of resources over there for indie writers and self-publishing.  I joined my first “Tweet Team” today, which is a type of cross-promotion WLC runs, where groups of 10 authors post tweets on the page, and the authors re-tweet the other nine tweets from their Tweet Team to help spread the word about their book and generate a buzz.  I can’t accurately speak to the results yet, but perhaps later in the week I can have a better idea of the outcome.


Thanks for stopping by, and don’t be afraid to comment or drop me an email.  Also, please share using the handy links below!


Peace Out, Rock On.

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