Eternal Retribution

Or maybe it just seems that way sometimes.  Though it has been ages since I’ve updated this thing.  Sorry about that.  No excuse.  On to better stuffs.


Recently got back from Indianapolis and Gen Con (The Best Four Days in Gaming!)  It was a blast.  It has rekindled my interest in gaming, anime, and writing, all of which have kind of been waning lately.  It’s good to get away on vacation, decompress, CTFO…(chill the f*ck out).  I dropped a bunch of bookmarks and business cards pertaining to the book around the hotels and convention center while I was there…my brother helped.  I also got a chance to chat with and share book info with some very cool people in the gaming business.  That was a good opportunity, and it would be awesome if it turned into more.  Especially since Powerball is still avoiding me…


I had a small book sale/signing event at my old Army unit Family Day.  No word back yet from anyone there who picked up a copy, but I hope to hear something.  I’m going to get in touch with local B&N people to try to set up a signing with them.  I’ll let you know dates if I get any.  I’m also working on trying to get my book picked up by one of the bigger publishing houses.  I have a one-step connection  to one of them, and it’s just down to getting the three of us on a matching schedule to see what we can put together.


Anyway, just wanted to get something current and updatey on the site here, to let all of you many, many dedicated readers *cough cough* know that I am still about, and am still kicking.  Thanks for stopping by.


Peace Out, Rock On!       

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